The first time I held Nate - at Hobby Airport |
Motherhood didn't come easy for me. I won't go into the details, but suffice it to say, my journey looked a lot different from others - and since we've been in the realm of adoption, we have found many people who have had a similar journey. Mothers love their children fiercely, passionately and whether you carried that child in your womb, or in my case, in my heart, this is something that is the same across the board. I think my journey, however, has given me pause on many a day - because I have noted things in a way I might not have if it had come easy. With the celebration of both Nate's birthday (in March) and his "Gotcha Day" (in September), we are reminded more often of the gift that he is and the wonder that he has brought to our lives.
On a walk at our favorite park |
We have talked about everything under the sun through the years, and even more as he has gotten older. The other day it was his silly game of "what if" and then the revelation at the end of the walk that he had given one of his "25 point math coupons" to a girl in class who needed it because she had gotten a bad grade and he had four such coupons in his possession from doing so well in class. Her name was Ruth, but he couldn't recall her last name. I was impressed (and please, if what he did was not legal in the grand scheme of things, let's keep it a secret. I just loved his heart on this one). Another memorable walk entailed trying to figure out which Middle School he would go to of the three choices he had.
The walk where we decided on what Middle School to go to |
And there's the other side to that coin... the fact that he hears my heart and my dreams and my hopes, that he knows what makes his mom tick and what she feels passionately about, how her faith moves her and her community inspires her. I hope that during these walks he carries away with him some of those things and perhaps comes to find that a few of those things are worth taking with him and passing on to the next generation. Because, someday too, he'll have walks with his own children.
We came back from our walk the other day and I asked him - "Do you like walking with me?" Because he is almost a teenager, his reply was this: "I don't like walking sometimes because it's exercise. But I like talking to you, Mom."
Be. Still. My. Heart.